Relaxer Touch-up After An 18 Week Relaxer Stretch

I am a proponent of relaxer stretching which is going longer than six weeks between relaxer touch-ups. I’ve done long stretches in the past, 18 weeks and 20 weeks but my preference is and my hair thrives with 10-12 weeks stretches.

This time I ended up stretching longer, about 18 weeks.

woman showing back of hair after getting relaxer touch-up
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I stretched longer than normal because I needed to give my hair some time to recover from a hair setback. The hair setback was the result of excessive shedding. You can find out more about my setback by watching this video.

To prepare my hair for this touch-up I did what I always do. I washed my hair the week before the touch-up using the following products:

Here’s how my hair looked after I finished washing and drying it.

relaxed hair washed and dried with the shark flexstyle

And here is how my relaxer touch-up went.

Shop the products I use on my relaxed hair