How To Schedule Your Pinterest Pins For Free

If you want to schedule pins to Pinterest there are several options there. 3rd-party tools that you can pay to use or have limited access to if they have a free plan option. Well, now there is another option there.

Did you know that Pinterest has a native pin scheduler that you can access either on your desktop or in the app? Well, you do now. I’ve been using the scheduler for a little while now and wanted to share this tool with you, how it works, and how it’s been working for me.

woman working on computer to schedule pinterest pins.
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About the Pinterest Pin Scheduler

You can only use the Pinterest Pin Scheduler if you have a business account. If you have a personal Pinterest account you can easily switch to a business one using these directions. You can access the scheduler on both your desktop and the Pinterest app.

With the Pinterest Pin Scheduler, you can schedule about 7 pins a day. That may not seem like a lot but it’s more than enough for me as I typically only pin once or twice a day. You can have up to 100 pins scheduled for the future.

The types of pins you can schedule are single image and video only. You can’t schedule Idea Pins or Carousels.

My experience with the Pinterest Pin Scheduler

I started using the native Pinterest Pin Scheduler a while ago, I can’t recall how long ago but it’s been several months. When I found out about it I just started to try it out but then found it made my time on Pinterest more productive. I could plan out time for creating my pins and then easily switch to finding other content in the app that I wanted to repin. I didn’t have to switch apps or browsers.

Additionally, the Pinterest Pin Scheduler has been a good alternative for me as I don’t have the budget to pay for a scheduling tool anymore and free plans have low limits on how many pins can be created or scheduled each month.

While I do like the Pinterest Pin scheduler it doesn’t have its cons or limitations. So it’s not only the pin scheduler I use. I’ll share more about that later.

How to use the Pinterest Pin Scheduler

It’s really easy to get started with the Pinterest Pin Scheduler. Before you start you’ll want to make sure you have your image ready to go and that it meets Pinterest specs.

Step 1

When you’re logged into your Pinterest Business Account go to the top-left of your screen and click Create then click Create Pin.

Step 2

Upload your image or video and fill out the info for the pin title, description, and destination link.

Step 3

Select when you’d like your pin. You can select Publish at a later date and choose the day and time or you can select Publish Immediately.

Step 4

Choose the board you’d like to publish your pin from the drop-down menu in the top right, or you can create a new board.

Step 5

Click Publish and your pin is created and scheduled!

Pinterest Pin Scheduler FAQs

Now that you know more about the Pinterest scheduler and how to use it, here are some additional things to note about the Pinterest Pin Scheduler

Can I schedule repins?

No, scheduling repins isn’t a feature of this tool. This is a bummer because typically when I schedule pins I like to schedule them to multiple boards. One way to get around this is to manually schedule the pins to multiple boards or use a third-party scheduling tool like Tailwind or Planoly.

How far in advance can I schedule my pins?

You can only schedule pins up to two weeks in advance. This can be a pain when you’ve got your pins for the month planned out but you can’t schedule them all at once. To get around this I just schedule my pins in two-week increments twice a month.

Can I edit my pins after scheduling?

You can’t edit the pin once it’s scheduled. Yep, you can’t change an image or text once the pin has been scheduled. The only edits you can make, if you call these edits, are to delete the pin or change the publish date.

Can I schedule pins for content not live?

Nope, the destination link used has to be live. One of the things we bloggers like to do is to schedule pins to promote our newest blog post. What I’ve found is I can't schedule pins for my blog posts that aren't live yet using the Pinterest scheduler because the scheduler can’t find the page the destination link is pointing to because it’s not live. To get around this I use Tailwind for pins like this.

Who is this tool good for?

The Pinterest Pin Scheduler is good for small businesses or bloggers with only one profile. If you are managing multiple profiles, have a larger business, are a social media manager with several clients, or a blogger pushing out a ton of content this may not be the right scheduling tool for you because of how limiting it is.