My Favorite Products For The Best Roller Set Results

I don’t know about you but I have always loved a good roller set. I loved how depending on the roller size I could get a curly look or a smoother look with a bump on the ends.

What I didn’t love about roller sets is how long it would take my hair to dry. Back in high school and college, I opted several times for a roller set during my salon visit. After the first time doing a roller set on my hair, the stylist would try to persuade me the next time to opt for curls with a flat iron. The reason was even after two hours under the dryer some of my hair would still be damp messing up the overall look.

When I tried a roller set at home it was even more disastrous. I would have to wear the plastic snap-on rollers overnight which was very, very uncomfortable so I wouldn’t sleep well and be tired in the morning. To make matters worse my hair wouldn’t be fully dry or my curls would end up frizzy. So it would end up all being for nothing.

My Favorite Products For The Best Roller Set Results | A Relaxed Gal
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I basically swore off of roller sets for well over a decade. It wasn’t until last year that I decided to try them again at home. I wanted to use less direct heat on my hair and I thought that doing a roller set to dry my hair would be a good way to do that.

I bought my rollers and clips and got to work. My first time putting the rollers in my hair was so frustrating and a hot mess. I tried to record it but about 30 minutes in I had only about 4 rollers in my hair. I couldn’t get my hair to be smooth on the roller or get the clips in the right position to hold the rollers in place. And the results were just as bad, my ends were frizzy and not all of my hair dried.

Part of my problem was my technique, the other part was the products that I used. I realized I had a lot to learn and did a lot of online research. As I refined my roller setting technique I also refined the products I used. I learned that outside of water the products you apply to your wet hair can make or break your roller set. The lighter your products and the fewer there are the better.

Here are the products that I’ve been using for a little while now that give me smoother, bouncier, and overall better roller sets

Mielle Mongongo Oil Thermal & Heat Protectant Spray

Even though I’m not using direct heat, some heat is getting close to my hair so I have to use a heat protectant and this one is my go-to. You can read my full review of it here.

I spray the Mielle heat protectant onto my wet hair. Typically I will lightly towel dry my hair so I’m not dripping all over the place before I can start putting in the rollers. Once I’m ready to get started I spray my hair with some water to get it wet and then spray on some of this heat protectant.

Mielle Avocado Moisturizing Hair Milk

This is the second product I apply. This is a lightweight moisturizer, at least for me that I apply after the heat protectant spray. I don’t need to apply a lot to my hair just a few squirts and I’m good to go. The Mielle Avocado Moisturizing Hair Milk is formulated to soften and smooth the hair. And it does that for my hair.

When I tried a leave-in conditioner that is in my hair product roster instead of the Avocado Hair Milk, I noticed a big difference in my roller set results. My hair wasn’t as shiny, bouncy, soft, or smooth as it had been with the Avocado Hair Milk.

Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum

As with the Mielle Avocado Hair Milk, a little goes a long way. I don’t have to use much on my hair which is good. I use the Super Skinny Serum last as a kind of a sealant for the moisture for the other products. It helps to speed up drying time and provides some humidity resistance.

Once these three products are on my hair I section my hair into smaller sections and start putting in the rollers. At this point, I don’t apply any more products to my hair. Instead, I rely on water to keep my hair wet and to get it smoothly around the roller.

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