I Tried A New Post Relaxer Touch-up Wash Routine | 1 Week Post Relaxer

I’m one of those relaxed haired ladies who like to wash her hair on a schedule. That’s basically because my hair and scalp kinda demand it. They provide me signals such as my hair feeling greasy or my scalp itching about 7 or 8 days after my last wash. The week after my last relaxer touch-up was no exception. My scalp started to itch about 6 days later. So I washed my hair.

Trying a new post relaxer wash routine | A Relaxed Gal
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This wash routine was a little bit different than normal because I decided to work on putting together a post relaxer wash routine. 

In addition to straightening the hair, relaxers have additional effects on the hair which can lead to damage and bad hair days, so I like to do specific things and specific products to counteract the effects.

For this wash day, I wanted to
  • Clarify: My stylist uses a no-lye relaxer which can cause calcium buildup on the hair and using a clarifying shampoo can help.
  • Re-build: Relaxers break down the hair bonds which makes the hair strands weaker so I like to add some strength back to my hair with a hair treatment.
  • Add moisture: I have naturally dry hair and no-lye relaxers tend to make the hair feel dry so I like to use lots of moisturizing products.

Check out this video to see which products I specifically used on my hair to achieve the three items noted above.

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