I’m still amazed that I was doing the bare minimum with my hair, and in some cases not even that, and still had hair on my head. I didn’t use moisturizing products. In fact, I really didn’t moisturize my hair at all. I also did little to no protective styling and used a lot of heat on my hair. This resulted in thinning ends from hair breakage.
After a couple of years of the breakage, I decided I couldn’t take it anymore and needed to find out what I could do to get my hair healthy again. Thus began my healthy hair journey.
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After doing some research I learned a lot of great tips and saw several things that worked for other ladies with relaxed hair. This set me on a good path for my healthy hair journey but I still made some mistakes and did some things that weren’t good for my hair.
Here are six mistakes that some people make when on a healthy relaxed hair journey. Some of these are mistakes that I made.
1. Not taking the time to learn your hair
Many of the issues we have with our hair that prompt us to start a healthy hair journey are because we don’t know our hair. We don’t know what it needs more of or what it needs less of. Whether it’s low or high porosity.And if you don’t take the time to learn your hair type or what it needs then your journey can end up less than successful and cause you to need to restart it multiple times. It also helps you to narrow down what hair products to try and the techniques to use.
2. Not being consistent
Consistency is key to a successful hair regimen. If you skip a deep condition here and there. Or you skip moisturizing your hair a few times depending on how important that is for your hair it can cause a setback in your hair journey that can take a while to recover from.3. Trying too many products too often
When you start a hair journey it can be tempting and even fun to try new hair products every week. Doing that though isn’t helpful. When you are constantly trying new products on your hair you aren’t giving your hair time to tell you if it likes the products or not. You also can’t pin down what product is giving you that good or bad hair day.I was guilty of that when I started my hair journey. Over time I learned that when I tried a new hair product I should just try one at a time for several weeks. The only time I would cut the trial short is if the hair product did more harm to my hair than good.
4. Having a complicated hair regimen
There are a lot of really good hair care tips and advice available. And when you’re starting a new hair journey it can be tempting to try them all. That can lead to a complicated hair regimen that takes a lot of time.That’s what happened to me. After a while, I realized that a simpler hair regimen was better. Not only does it save me time and money but it allows me to really focus and hone in on what gives me the best results.
5. Unrealistic expectations
A healthy hair journey is a process. It takes time so you won’t see success overnight or maybe even in a week. It took me several months to really start seeing a difference in how my hair was acting and looking.Another thing to remember is that everyone's journey is different. So just because I may see results using a particular product or method after a certain amount of time doesn’t mean you will too.
6. Comparing your hair to others
And that leads me to this last tip. Don’t compare your hair journey to anyone else’s journey. It can be tempting to start comparing how your hair looks compared to other bloggers, Instagrammers, or people you meet on the street.This can negatively impact your hair journey. If you think you’re hair isn’t doing as well don’t give up. If you think you’re hair is doing better than others don’t get cocky or too comfortable that you end up letting some things in your regimen slide.
Share in the comments below any mistakes you’ve made or avoided while on your healthy hair journey.
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