How I Decided I Was Ready To Buy A House

I've always had a desire to buy and own my own house; even when I was a little girl. That's probably why I loved dollhouses so much and wanted one for the longest time. The idea of having something I could call my own, decorate how I wanted, and take care of how I wanted (within reason) is so appealing to me.

When I lived in North Carolina I toyed with the idea of buying a house. I even went so far as to research realtors and choose neighborhoods I was interested in. But I never really pulled the trigger because I got laid off twice and renting is so much more cost-efficient and less of a commitment than buying.

How I Decided I Was Ready To Buy A House | A Relaxed Gal
(I am not a financial expert. All information is based on my own personal experience and research. This information is not meant to be financial advice and is just for educational purposes. This post includes some affiliate links. If you click an affiliate link and make a purchase I may receive a small commission.)

Fast forward a few years I'd moved to Florida and renting was more expensive. I'm not kidding. I paid several hundred dollars more for a 1-bed/1-bath apartment in Florida than I did for a 2-bed/2-bath in NC. Also, no utilities were included in the rent unlike in NC where your water, trash, and sewer were included. Now with my house, I was paying less than I was for the 1-bed/1-bath apartment. 

While today, that's not always the case in most cities depending on the type of house, size, and location, you can get a mortgage payment about the same or close to what rent would cost.

 What helped me make up my mind and pull the trigger to get serious about buying was the consideration of the following four questions.

1. Do I want to live here for more than a couple of years?

Doing research I found it's usually better to buy or rent if you plan to live in the area for three years or more. I like where I'm living and have started to build a life here. I can see myself living here for several years so buying made sense.

2. Do I feel financially stable?

I felt more financially stable over the last year and had the money for a down payment without breaking the bank or dipping into my emergency savings. Plus, I felt secure at my job.

How to determine you're ready to be a home owner |

3. Do I really need (or want) more space?

For me, the answer was yes for a couple of reasons
  • I live several states and hours away from family and friends. So I want to have room for this stay so they are more inclined to visit me instead of me always being the one to travel.
  • The way my apartment was laid out didn't help me take pictures for the blog or record videos. The light wasn't the greatest despite having several big windows. All my walls had something against creating backdrops not great for video recording. I felt I needed a better environment if that would help me be more serious about blogging.

4. Can I and do I want to take care of a house?

Taking care of a house takes time and work. Since I've moved in I've lost track of the number of times I've run to Lowes or Home Depot for something. Even though I create a list something else pops up days or even hours later that I need to get.

There were also considerations for mowing the lawn, taking care of the flower bed, making repairs, taking time off, or working from home to wait for the repairman.