What I've Learned Since Starting My Blog

I can't believe it. It's been two years since I've posted my first blog post. My, how time flies and how things can change in just a short time. During these past two years in addition to starting a blog, I've started a new job, moved to a new state, bought a house (more on that in another post), changed the focus and name of my blog, and also redesigned it.

During the life of my blog, I've experienced growth that I'm proud of. I've seen an increase in readership (thank you!) and tremendous growth in Pinterest and Twitter followers. I've also seen growth in myself as a blogger. I'm writing better posts, being more active on social media, have upped my photography game, and am focusing more on blog planning.

What I've Learned Since Starting My Blog | A Relaxed Gal
(This post includes some affiliate links. If you click an affiliate link and make a purchase I may receive a small commission.)

In addition to going through change and growth, I've also learned more about blogging and social media and how much the two go hand-in-hand. When I reflect on all of the knowledge I've gained and what I've learned I wish I knew all of it before launching my blog.

If I had I may have been able to avoid my recent rebrand and have launched my blog with an established following instead of starting from zero. So I want to pass my learnings on to you in the hopes that it helps make your blogging journey easier.

For me starting a blog was intimidating, exciting, overwhelming, and empowering all at once. If it's the same for you all of those emotions can make you rush with writing your first post and launching your blog. By rushing you can skip some important steps and slow down your growth.

When I started my blog A Relaxed Gal it was originally a very niche site with the name and focus of Growing Healthy Relaxed Hair. Over time I decided wanted to share more of my life, thoughts, and opinions. So I changed the focus to a beauty and lifestyle blog and renamed it A Relaxed Gal.

How to start a blog | arelaxedgal.com 

If I had spent the time preparing and reading blog posts like this on launching a blog I probably would have spent more time planning. I would have thought through areas like the focus of my blog, the name, and the look and feel of it.

I am by no means a blogging expert. Nor do I have what most would call a really successful blog. Everything I've learned and will share with you has come from my own personal trial and error. As well as from the research I've done and posts I've read from other bloggers on what tactics have brought them success.

Over several posts, I'll be sharing what I've learned about starting a blog since launching my blog

What have you learned since launching your blog?


  1. I'm still quite new to blogging so I'm still learning. But I've learnt quite a lot from your posts on blogging. Thanks for sharing and I'm looking forward to the posts you have lined up.


    1. Thanks for reading Bee. I'm finding that being a blogger is a continuous learning process. The good news is there is so much free advice available. I hope you'll be able to take something from this series and apply it to your blog.

  2. Congratulations on everything!!! I always say there are two categories of bloggers - those that began with business in mind and those that began as a hobby that turned more serious, whether it was for income or personal growth. I also wish I'd known SO much from the beginning....for one I would've just gone by Ebony and not "EbonyCPrincess" (ugh!). But with those that begin with business in mind - which is mainly more recent bloggers because of the commercial success of so many bloggers - sometimes have a less personal feel, so I appreciate "watching" the growth of fellow e-friends.

    1. I've enjoyed watching the growth of other bloggers as well. It's exciting and also a great learning experience.

  3. I also wish I knew more about blogging as well. But i started blogging just to help other people struggling with their hair.


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