Non-penetrating Natural Oils You Can Use On Relaxed Hair

If you had told me before I started my healthy relaxed hair journey that I would be using natural oils on my relaxed hair I would have laughed at you. Really, natural oils? Why would I do that? Little did I know then how beneficial using natural oils could be. Or that they would replace the drugstore serums and oils I was using at that time.

Non-penetrating Natural Oils You Can Use On Relaxed Hair | A Relaxed Gal
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Some of my favorite natural oils fall into the non-penetrating category. That's because they don't penetrate the hair shaft but sit on it. Some of the key benefits of using non-penetrating natural oils on relaxed hair are
  • Sealing in moisture by sitting on the hair shaft
  • Scalp moisturization and soothing
  • Shine and sheen
  • Assisting with detangling
What are some good non-penetrating natural oils for relaxed hair? Check out this infographic to see my top picks and their benefits. |

So what are some good non-penetrating natural oils for relaxed hair? Check out the list and infographic below to see my top non-penetrating natural oil picks and their benefits.

Non-penetrating natural oils you can use on your hair |


  1. Castor Oil has been become a must have in my hair regimen. I apply it to my scalp several times a week now. Also I've never heard of Kukui Nut Oil. It sounds like something I'd like to try, where do you purchase it?

    1. I've been using Jamaican Black Castor oil on my scalp a couple of times a week. It works wonders.

      You can get Kukui Nut Oil on Amazon and at GNC.

      Thanks for reading!


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