The Benefits Of Black Tea Hair Rinses

I'm a proponent of tea rinses. Since doing tea rinses on my relaxed hair I've seen good results - a scalp that itches less, a less flaky scalp, and reduced shedding. So far my tea of choice has been green tea.

I had tried black tea in the past for my tea rinse, but I didn't have good results. The last time I used black tea for a rinse my hair didn't feel so great afterward. My hair felt dry and was tangling. My diagnosis was it was caused by the black tea since I'd seen online those were issues others faced when doing a black tea rinse. After this negative experience, I switched to green tea for my rinses

The benefits of rinsing hair with black tea | A Relaxed Gal

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I don't just use tea to rinse, my hair. I also drink it and happened to have a box of black tea in my tea cabinet. I don't really drink black tea so I decided to give a black rinse another try.

From what I've read, if you have shedding problems black tea is the better tea option because it's high caffeine content blocks DHT which is the hormone responsible for hair loss. Additional benefits from black tea include:
  • Added shine and softening of the hair
  • Possible stimulation of hair growth from the caffeine
  • Strengthening of hair
  • Possible darkening of the hair
  • And it can bring out natural highlights

The benefits of black tea hair rinses |

Have you tried black tea rinses?


  1. I slacked on tea rinses in my last stretch but its awesome for shedding.

    1. They are great for shedding. I've also found my hair feels softer and looks better when I do tea rinses.

      Thanks for reading Tomes!

  2. Can I use any type of black tea?

    1. I use black tea from the grocery store and make sure it's not decaffeinated. The caffeine is what helps with the shedding.

      Thanks for reading!


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