3 Weeks Post Relaxer: The Wash Day When I Forgot Something

My wash days have been going smoothly since I've had my relaxer touch-up. This includes my wash day at three weeks post. Keep reading to see what I did.

3 Weeks Post Relaxer: The Wash Day When I Forgot Something | A Relaxed Gal

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To start off I pre-pooed with the Suave Professionals Almond and Shea Butter Conditioner.

After leaving my pre-poo on for a while I washed my hair with the Eden BodyWorks Coconut Shea CoWash instead of using a shampoo.

Next, I conditioned my relaxed hair with the Aphogee 2 Minute Reconstructor.

After I rinsed out the conditioner, I T-shirt dried for an hour to get excess water out of my strands.

After T-shirt drying, I applied the Eden BodyWorks Coconut Shea Leave-in Conditioner and grapeseed oil to my hair to moisturize and seal.

I then air-dried for an hour and finished drying my hair by sitting under my hooded dryer for about 20 minutes till my hair was barely damp. By then it was close to my bedtime so I put my damp hair up in a high bun and went to bed.

The next morning some of my roots were still damp (the downside to thick hair) so I sat under the hooded dryer for a few minutes, put on a little more leave-in conditioner, and went about my day wearing my hair down.

Notice anything missing? Yep, I forgot to do my green tea and apple cider vinegar rinse. I had the green tea ready, I just forgot to mix it with the apple cider vinegar in an applicator bottle and bring the bottle to the bathroom (sigh). Oh well. I'll do the rinse during my mid-week wash.

Wash day results 3 weeks post relaxer touch up | A Relaxed Gal

Since my touch-up and trim, I've been doing less protective styling and wearing my hair out more. I haven't noticed any negative effects from that. Probably because the humidity is helping to keep my hair and ends moisturized. I think I'll be doing the same thing this week though I seem to be gravitating to buns.

How are you wearing your hair this week?