Relaxed Hair Health Update: July 2015

As I continue on my healthy hair journey I try to provide monthly updates on how my hair is doing by sharing what has been going right and what hasn't. For July I'm going to track how I'm doing against my 2015 hair goals. You can also check out my hair update video on my YouTube Channel.

A summer update on my relaxed hair | A Relaxed Gal
(This post includes some affiliate links. If you click an affiliate link and make a purchase I may make a small commission.)

During July did I...

Maintain the health of my hair: Yes

During my relaxer stretch and after my relaxer touch-up my hair felt and looked great. No major breakage, shedding, or moisture loss.

Minimize the number of products I try: Yes/Kinda

I did try a new conditioner in July Suave Almond and Shea Butter Conditioner, but only because I ran out of Suave Natural Infusions Macadamia Oil Conditioner, and despite visiting several stores, some multiple times, I couldn't locate it. The stores were all out. The Almond and Shea Butter Conditioner seemed the best alternative.

Protect my ends at least five days a week: Kinda/No

I was doing this more like seven days a week until after my relaxer touch-up.

Find a new stylist: No

In July I ended my relaxer stretch and got a touch-up using a new stylist. I liked the work she did, but she doesn't believe in stretching relaxers past 6-8 weeks so I won't be using them again.

The highlights of my relaxed hair journey in July 2015 |

In August I plan to

Shop my relaxed hair regimen

1 comment

  1. Can't wait to know how the Shea Moisture works out! :)


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