7 Weeks Post Relaxer: A Lazy Wash Day

So it's been a couple of weeks since my last wash day post. Partly from laziness and nothing new to report. I really didn't feel like washing my hair this week, but I really needed to because I'd been working out and sweating making my scalp and new growth feel dry. So I decided to push my wash day by a day.

7 Weeks Post Relaxer: A Lazy Wash Day | A Relaxed Gal
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Here's what I did:


I used a protein-based conditioner though I was supposed to deep condition. I totally forgot until I was almost 30 minutes into the pre-poo.


I used a moisturizing conditioner applied only to my scalp. I let the flow of the water push the suds down my strands so they wouldn't dry out. I shampooed once all over and another time in some areas that felt they needed some extra care.

Used a hair rinse

I get such good results with my green tea and apple cider vinegar hair rinse that I couldn't stand to skip this step. As usual, I applied this green tea and apple cider vinegar mix using an applicator bottle and massaged it onto my scalp.

Deep conditioned

Since I didn't do it for my pre-poo I pulled out my Eden BodyWorks Jojoba Monoi Deep Conditioner and slathered it on without rinsing out the green tea and apple cider vinegar. I paid close attention to my ends so I could avoid the split ends I had when I got my touch-up.

Still feeling lazy I put a plastic cap on and didn't even pull out my Hot Head Microwavable Deep Conditioning Cap. My deep condition lasted about 30 minutes.

Wrapping my hair for bed at 7 weeks post relaxer | A Relaxed Gal

Moisturized and sealed

To finish up I t-shirt dried for a couple of hours. Then I applied Nothing But Melted Shea Butter and grapeseed oil and sat under my hooded dryer for an hour with it on the cool setting. Some of my roots were slightly damp, but I put on a satin scarf, and my homemade nightcap and went to bed.

The result

My hair was totally dry in the morning and there wasn't any major puffiness, but my hair wasn't as smooth as I've gotten it in the past. No matter. I plan to wear updos pretty much all week.