Wash Day: 5 Weeks Post 2/28 Relaxer Touch-up

After a great few busy days, including some off of work to spend time with my Mom who was visiting from North Carolina, the last thing I felt like doing was wash my hair. But I couldn't take how dry my hair was starting to feel and my scalp was starting to itch. Ultimately I kept my wash day simple and stuck to what's worked in the past.

Wash Day: 5 Weeks Post 2/28 Relaxer Touch Up | A Relaxed Gal

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I pre-pooed for over an hour with Dessange Oleo Replenishing Oil Conditioner. Yes, I know I said I didn't care for it, but maybe ok as a pre-poo conditioner, and using it this way allows me to get rid of it.

I decided to clarify my relaxed hair this time using the SheaMoisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Shampoo. To make sure I really got it on my scalp I mixed a little bit of the shampoo with some water in an applicator bottle.

Next was the green tea, apple cider vinegar rinse that I massaged into my scalp and left in while I deep conditioned for 40 minutes with Eden BodyWorks Jojoba Deep Conditioner and my Hot Head Deep Conditioning Cap.

After rinsing the hair rinse and deep conditioner out I air dried my hair. I did this by wrapping my hair up in a t-shirt and leaving it wrapped up for about two hours.

Next, I applied Nothing But Melted Shea Butter for leave-in and sat under my hooded dryer for an hour using cool heat. My hair wasn't fully dry but was close enough.

Finally, I sealed my relaxed hair with grapeseed oil and used a few satin pillow rollers to give my ends some curl.

A Relaxed Gal wash day experience at 5 weeks post 2.28.15 relaxer touch up. | arelaxedgal.com

In the morning I didn't like how the curls looked and my ends felt dry. Since I was headed out to church I applied Eden BodyWorks Coconut Shea Leave-In Conditioner on my ends and pulled my hair back in a half ponytail.


  1. I love how thick and full your hair is. Awesome washday!

  2. I agree with Tomes, your hair is so thick -- I absolutely love it.

  3. I love all that texture in your hair! I need to follow your footsteps and start using my "not-so-great" conditioners as a pre-shampoo! Genius idea!

    How many satin rollers did you use to get your curls?

    Thanks for sharing your #washdayexperience chica!

    KLP @ SavingOurStrands

  4. Lovely how is your new growth coming along? You have great and evenly textured hair :-)

    1. My new growth is good though it seems to be coming in faster than normal. Not complaining though. Thanks for reading.!

  5. Love the thickness and texture of your hair! :-)


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