9 Weeks Post Relaxer: First Wash Day In New Apartment

When you saw this post you may have thought "Wait. Did I miss the eight weeks post wash day?" No, you didn't. I didn't write one. I did co-wash which was successful but uneventful. Also, I didn't have a lot of time due to just getting back into town from my Christmas vacation and getting ready to get back to work.
This wash day is a special one. It's the first one in my new place! Plus I used a different, newish shampoo. Here's how my wash day went.

First wash day with the OGX Macadamia Oil shampoo | A Relaxed Gal
(This post includes some affiliate links. If you click an affiliate link and make a purchase I may make a small commission.)

Pre-pooed with heat

For my pre-poo this week I mixed it up a little bit. I started by basing my scalp with apple cider vinegar. Next, I put L'Oreal Paris Ceramide Total Repair 5 Restoring Conditioner on my relaxed hair and then put on my Hot Head Deep Conditioning Cap to add a little heat.


To shampoo my hair I used the OGX Hydrating Macadamia Oil Shampoo. I forgot I had bought this shampoo as it'd been in storage for weeks because of my move. It lathered well but my hair felt stripped instead of hydrating which I wasn't expecting.

Deep conditioned

I used my go-to for this, the Eden BodyWorks Jojoba Monoi Deep Conditioner. My hair felt soft and moisturized.

T-shirt dried

Per my usual, I wrapped my hair up in a soft t-shirt to soak up the excess water. I did this for about an hour before pulling out the dryer.

Finished drying and styled

 For my leave-in, I used Nothing But Melted Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioner and then finished drying with my blow dryer on low heat/high speed. I wanted to use my hooded dryer but didn't feel like setting it up. After drying I sealed my relaxed hair with sunflower oil.

I cross-wrapped for bedtime and in the morning my hair felt like silk and so moisturized. To style my hair I decided to use my Caruso Rollers to get a little bump in my hair for church the next day. I really liked the results, but unfortunately, the lighting for the pictures I took was awful so they didn't reflect how good my hair looked. 

How did your wash day go?


  1. The Eden Body Works Jojoba DC is on my list of products to try. Have you tried any of the other products?

    My Blog - Just Jenelle

    1. I have tried other Eden BodyWorks products. I use the Coconut Shea Leave In and the CoWash. I also tried the Jojoba Shampoo and didn't care for it. It was too drying.

  2. Your hair is pretty. I also want to try out the Eden BodyWorks products as well. When you leave the tshirt on for 1 hour, does it help your hair to be completely dry or is it still damp?

    1. Thanks Tamara. After t-shirt drying my hair is still damp.

  3. It seems you had a pretty good wash day. :-)

  4. A smooth washday with great results at 9 weeks post - nice! your hair looks really healthy :-)

  5. Woot woot for discovering new products that you forgot that you had! The same thing happened to me when we moved (and I was forced to clean out my stash) Now that I know how much stuff I have, I can't even justify one new purchase! I swear you have the smoothest cross wrapped hair EVER!

    Thanks for sharing your #washdayexperience chica!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands


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