My 2015 Relaxed Hair Goals

I'm back. I've been MIA for a couple of weeks due to moving into my new apartment! The move went well and now I'm just unpacking and settling in. This time away from the blog has also allowed me to get focused on 2015 and determine what my hair goals for this year are.

New relaxed hair goals for 2015 | A Relaxed Gal
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So here we go...

1. Maintain the health of my hair

I'm really happy with my hair right now and want to keep the momentum going. This includes maintaining good moisture and protein balance and stretching my relaxers no less than 12 weeks. A healthy hair journey never ends but evolves over time.

2. Minimize the number of new products I try this year

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I tried a lot of products in 2014 which allowed me to discover what does and doesn't work for my hair. I have a pretty good arsenal of products that I intend to stick with until they no longer work.

3. Protect my ends at least five days a week

For the first half of 2014, my hair was in some type of up-do seven days a week. During the second half of the year, I strayed from this and my ends paid the price. I went through a period where my ends were constantly feeling dry and not retaining much moisture.

3. Find a new stylist

Since I've recently moved to Florida I need to find a local stylist. I'll be searching for one who won't criticize relaxer stretching and uses practices that promote healthy hair.

What are your 2015 hair goals?


Shop my relaxed hair regimen


  1. The major goal is to hit APL. The rest are just almost about trying a few new products.

  2. Fabulous goals! I'm definitely with on keeping your hair up and protected.

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

    1. Thanks KLP! Have you set any hair goals for the year?


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