3 Weeks Post Relaxer: Using a New Hair Dryer

I decided to change it up a bit this wash day. I was getting a bit tired of the same old, same old and I think my hair was too. Some areas of my scalp were showing signs of flaking and my hair was a little on the dry side. To change things up I opted to co-wash and deep condition a little longer than normal.

Additionally, I got a new Hot Shot Tools blow dryer. My hooded dryer is in storage until I move into my new place and I'd been using an older Gold N Hot blow dryer which I think has been drying out my hair and scalp because it doesn't have true cool or low setting. More about the new blow dryer will come in a post later this week.

Using a new hair dryer 3 weeks post relaxer | A Relaxed Gal

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Back to the wash day. I pre-pooed with Eden BodyWorks Jojoba Monoi Deep Conditioner mixed with Suave Natural Infusions Macadamia Oil and White Orchid Moisturizing Conditioner. I applied the mix in sections and then left it on for 62 minutes. After rinsing my hair felt like silk!

I then sprayed my scalp and hair down with an apple cider vinegar and water mix. On top of this, I applied a keratin oil conditioner and left all of this on for about 5 minutes. After rinsing my hair still felt silky, soft (not mushy), and moisturized.

I then T-shirt dried for about an hour and applied Eden BodyWorks Coconut Shea Leave-In Conditioner mixed with sunflower oil (I have to say this bottle of sunflower oil lasts forever).

To finish the drying process I pulled out my new blow dryer. I used the cool low heat/high-speed setting. The low heat setting is exactly what I wanted - cool nearly cold air. I didn't feel any heat whatsoever using this setting. After about 30 minutes I was done. There were a few damp places (the result of pure laziness), but my hair was void of water, not moisture.

Relaxed Hair Wash Day: 3 Weeks Post Relaxer Touch Up | arelaxedal.com 

I put some coconut oil on my ends and went to bed wearing my satin cap, but did not wrap my hair. My ends were a little dry in the morning and since I was running behind I didn't get to give them any moisture love until I got home in the evening. I wore my hair up all day. You have to protect those ends.

Sorry, but no hair pics this time. I tried, but the lighting was terrible since I only had time to try and take them after dark.

What do you do to switch up your hair routine?


  1. The only switch ups I ever do are because I ran out of something I needed! Like right now, I'm taking a break from protein since I can't remember to pick up more when I'm in the store that actually has it at a decent price.

    1. I hear you. I can't remember how many times I would go to the store with a certain hair product on my list and I either forgot to get it or the store had run out. That usually makes for an interesting wash day. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I am glad I am not the only one suffering with an itchy scalp (not like I want anyone to suffer with it). I did the ACV rinse and my scalp feels much better. I think it is something I am going to have to incorporate every wash day.

    1. I thought I was the only one as well! I think my flaky, itchy scalp is the result of hard water and not being properly cleansed. Are you using anything else to help your scalp?


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