Final Relaxer Touch-up Of The Year And In NC: 13 Weeks Post Relaxer

The stretch is over. It lasted a little more than 13 weeks. Why did I end my relaxer stretch now? As mentioned in this post I am moving from North Carolina to Florida. So I wanted to get a touch-up and cut/shape up before I moved. This gives me some breathing room to do research on salons in the area and also makes my hair care easier during the transition.

Final relaxer touch-up of the year results | A Relaxed Gal (This post includes some affiliate links. If you click an affiliate link and make a purchase I may receive a small commission.)

For this touch-up and cut, I went to a stylist I used to go to and loved. I stopped going to her after she moved to a new location that was further away and then I moved. So I was even further away from her. When I let her style my hair I loved how it would turn out. In fact, she gave me my best cut ever!

To prepare my hair for the relaxer, I based my scalp using Palmer's Olive Oil Formula with Vitamin E Gro Therapy on the morning of my touch-up. I also used this hairdressing on the length of my relaxed hair to help protect it from relaxer run-off. Previously I had been using a natural oil as a protectant on my hair, but I didn't have any readily available. I felt the Palmer's would be a good alternative because it's petroleum-based.

The first thing the stylist did once I sat in her chair was to base my scalp. So my scalp was really protected should any relaxer get on it. Then she started to apply the relaxer to my new growth. The relaxer the stylist used was from Design Essentials.

After applying the relaxer to my new growth it was rinsed from my hair and my hair was washed three times. One of those times with a neutralizing shampoo.

After shampooing a deep conditioner was applied and I sat with it on my hair for about 20 minutes but no heat was applied.

After the deep conditioner was rinsed out a heat protectant was applied and I say under a hooded dryer for roughly an hour to get my hair mostly dry. To finish drying my hair, the stylist used a blow dryer with a comb attachment.

Next, it was time for the cut. I asked for long layers and for my hair to be evened out as the right side was much longer than the left. I lost probably about an inch on the left and 2-3 inches on the right.

After the cut was done, the stylist used a flat iron to add curls. Below is the end result. My hair had a lot of body and definition. And it was even!

Check out the results of my final relaxer touch up of 2014 after 13 weeks of relaxer stretching. |

To maintain my style and cut I have been moisturizing and sealing as needed with Eden BodyWorks Coconut Shea Leave-In Conditioner and sunflower oil. Additionally a night I've been putting my hair in a loose bun on the top of my head and wearing my satin wrap and cap. The bun gives my hair a tousled look should I decide to wear it down.


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