10 Weeks Post Relaxer: Doing a Hot Oil Treatment

I'm at 10 weeks post my last relaxer touch-up and just like my last stretch I really can't tell. I haven't had any issues with my new growth tangling and am hoping that continues.

For this wash day, I did some things a little differently and brought back a few oldies but goodies. During my pre-poo, I incorporated a hot oil treatment using sunflower oil, coconut oil, the last of my olive oil, and green tea.

Hot oil treatment on hair 10 weeks post relaxer |  A Relaxed Gal

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Then for my tea rinse, I took the suggestion from KLP of Saving Our Strands to mix green and black tea.

My rinse-out conditioner was a new one, one I've been wanting to try for a while to add some protein to my moisture-heavy regimen - with a keratin oil conditioner. Last but not least, I mostly air-dried and did a braid out! Now for the particulars.


Applied to the four sections a hot oil mix of sunflower oil, coconut oil, olive oil, and green tea. I saturated my scalp relaxed hair and detangled. There were still some hidden tangles from the last wash day's conditioner mix-up.

Once my relaxed hair was fully detangled I applied the Eden BodyWorks Jojoba Monoi Deep Conditioner mixed with a little Suave Natural Infusions Moisturizing Conditioner (this is different from the anti-breakage conditioner I used last week) and wore my heating cap for 40 minutes.


Used As I Am Cleansing Pudding which surprisingly didn't lather like it did the previous times I used it. I don't know why I keep using this product.

Tea rinse and condition

The tea rinse was a combination of green and black tea which didn't leave the drying effect that black tea alone did. Without rinsing out the tea I applied a new keratin oil conditioner. The conditioner doesn't have much slip, but it's a lot better than that Suave mess I used last week. We'll see what a second use of the conditioner brings.

Drying and styling

After T-shirt drying my hair for a while, I applied Eden BodyWorks Coconut Shea Leave-In Conditioner mixed with sunflower oil as a leave-in and did two semi-french braids (semi because I'm not the best braider) for my hair to air dry in. The braids kept my new growth stretched. After several hours I took the braids out and my hair was still damp, but I liked the waves the braids created.

I did a hot oil treatment and attempted a braid out on my relaxed hair during my wash day at 10 weeks post my 8/9/14 relaxer touch up. See the results. | arelaxedgal.com

I decided to put my hair back in the braids, sat under my hooded dryer for 30 minutes, and left the braids in overnight. The result was a pretty nice braid out. 

What new product have you tried recently?


  1. Cute Cute cute! I love this braid out. It's crazy how voluminous your results look from just two braids.

    I used one green/black tea bag in my rinse this week too! Great minds think alike!

    Thanks for sharing your #washdayexperience chica!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

    1. The green and black tea rinse worked so much better. I don't think my hair was read y for the strength of the black tea.

  2. The braid out looks great. Do you usually leave your hair down?


    1. I usually wear my hair up. Since I did a braid out I wore it down for one day and then back up in a bun it went. Thanks for reading.

  3. That is a very lovely braidout!!! Very defined and no wimpy looking ends.

    1. Thanks Jay! I did pin curls with the ends of the braids.

  4. Hmmmm, interesting! I think I'd like to try this green/black tea combination! Luv your braidout halfup/halfdown style, really nice :-)

    1. Thanks Rachel. The black tea alone was too drying for my hair which is why I did the mix.

  5. Nice results hun!! How do you like the As I Am Cleansing Pudding? I tried it out and my hair felt very dry :( I may have to revisit it just to make sure.

    1. I'm not a fan of the cleansing pudding. While it cleanses well it does have a drying effect on my hair. I've found if I do a good moisture focused deep conditioning it helps tremendously.


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