6 Weeks Post Relaxer: Trying The As I Am Cleansing Pudding

For my six weeks post wash day, I opted to co-wash with As I Am Cleansing Pudding. I won a jar of this from a summer blog giveaway. I was excited to use this product for the first time since I'd seen so many great reviews.

Also, I used the Caruso Steam Rollers again on my relaxed hair. Sadly, I didn't get a chance to take any pictures of the steam roller curls. Good news though. I used my satin pillow rollers a couple of nights later and got some good pics of the resulting curls.

6 Weeks Post Relaxer: Trying The As I Am Cleansing Pudding | A Relaxed Gal

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For my pre-poo this week I used the Eden BodyWorks Jojoba Monoi Deep Conditioner. Once the conditioner was applied I put on a plastic cap and on top of that I put on my Hot Head Deep Conditioning Cap to add some heat. I pre-pooed for a total of 40 minutes. After that step, my hair felt good.


I broke out the As I Am Cleansing Pudding. It has a slight coconut smell and is a bit thinner than I expected (it is called a pudding after all). I was surprised at how much it foamed and how little I needed to use. After using it, my hair felt squeaky clean. So clean it felt a little stripped. Uh-oh.


Once again, I forgot to do my green tea rinse before I applied the conditioner (sigh). Similar to my wash day last week, I applied the Thermafuse HeatSmart Serum Conditioner, left it on for about five minutes, did my green tea rinse, and applied L'Oreal Advanced Haircare Total Repair 5 Restoring Conditioner to combat the slight drying effect green tea has on my hair.

Co-washing relaxed hair 6 weeks post relaxer touch up | arelaxedgal.com 

Moisturizing and sealing

After rinsing my hair it felt really clean but not moisturized. Next I t-shirt dried for about 30 minutes and then applied the Eden BodyWorks Coconut Shea Leave In Conditioner for moisture. I mixed the leave-in with the Thermafuse HeatSmart Serum that I was using as a sealant.

Dry and style

I air-dried for several hours before going to bed. When I went to bed my roots were damp. They were still damp in the morning. So I hopped under my hooded dryer for 20 minutes, curled my hair with my Caruso steam rollers, and went to church. My hair was fluffier and softer than I expected it would be.

I didn't have the best experience with the As I Am Cleansing Pudding, but that tends to be the case when I first use a product. I plan to continue using it to see if my hair comes to like it.

What type of curlers do you use to style your hair?


  1. I've realized I too have to use a product more than once before I write it off! I'm only now wishing I hadn't given away my Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie and Moisture Mist! I've realized there are different ways to use them now!

  2. That's exactly the way I love to apply my tea rinse, but just like you, I keep forgetting. Your hair looks so full.

  3. Your hair looks so beautiful and shiny.

  4. Cute results! I always find a way to make products i don't like work. Can't afford to waste money. I hope your hair likes it.

  5. I love that you use satin rollers to main your caruso steam roller set! Your hair looks so moisturized!

    Thanks for sharing your #washdayexperience

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

  6. Your hair looks has great shine. And the curls from the satin pillow rollers look great!


  7. The body & shine is amazing. Your hair is super thick --- looks awesome.


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