Wash Day: 12 1/2 Weeks Post 4/19 Relaxer Touch-up

I'm now at 12 1/2 weeks post my last relaxer touch-up. By now I would have called my stylist to schedule an appointment, but I've decided to go another week or two before I get a relaxer touch-up. Things seem to be going well with my relaxed hair and the green tea rinses seem to be working (woohoo!) as I didn't have much shedding over the week.

Thanks to everyone for encouraging me on the thickness of my hair. Looking at my pictures from my last wash day I felt that my hair was losing thickness due to some shedding I'd been experiencing. Over the last week, I realized my hair does have some thickness, but it's not as thick as it used to be and the left side of my head is not as thick as the right side. Because of my healthy hair practices, I do expect it to thicken up some more, but that will take time.

Now on to what you're here for - my wash day recap!

Wash Day: 12 1/2 Weeks Post 4/19 Relaxer Touch Up | A Relaxed Gal
(This post includes affiliate links. If you click an affiliate link and make a purchase I may receive a small commission.)

The pre-poo

I sectioned my relaxed hair off into eight sections and applied the Suave Natural Infusions Moisturizing Conditioner with Macadamia Oil while I detangled. I left this one for about 20 minutes, then I added sunflower oil to each section and left that on for another 20 minutes. After rinsing, my hair felt pretty good getting this wash day off to a good start.

The shampoo

It was time for me to clarify my hair so I used the SheaMoisture Black Soap Deep Cleansing Shampoo by working it into my scalp. I rinsed once with water and once with green tea.

The deep condition

After the green tea rinse, I applied a mix of Eden BodyWorks Jojoba Monoi Deep Conditioner and Suave Natural Infusions Anti-Breakage Conditioner with Awapuhi Ginger, left it on for about 30 minutes, and then rinsed with cool water.


I t-shirt dried my relaxed hair for an hour. After that, I sprayed on Pantene Pro-V Moisture Mist Detangler. Next, I applied Eden BodyWorks Coconut Shea Leave-in Conditioner which I mixed with sunflower oil.


I finished drying under my hooded dryer with my new growth stretched to finish drying. I took special care to really stretch my new growth because, after my last wash day, it ended up not as stretched as I would have liked.

Right after I came out from under the dryer I noticed my hair felt a little stiff, but after a few minutes, it softened up nicely.


I wanted a few minutes for my relaxed hair to cool before applying any additional product to it. Next, I sealed my ends with coconut oil and then cross-wrapped my hair for bed.

Wash day results 12.5 weeks post relaxer | A Relaxed Gal

Final thoughts

If you read my last wash day post you may have realized that there was a step I didn't include - steaming. Since I was using mainly moisture-based products I didn't want to go overboard and decided to skip the steam. I do plan on doing it again, maybe the next wash day.

I also think I'm going back to the hot oil treatment for my pre-poo. While these washday results were good, I kinda feel that the results when I used the hot oil treatment were better.


  1. First of all---*confetti toss* for making it to 12+ weeks post and not being ready to call the stylist! What an accomplishment!

    Thanks for sharing your #washdayexperience

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

  2. I love your prepoo treatment! I have fallen in love with the Suave Professionals line. I'm going to have to try that blend of conditioner and sunflower oil. Awesome wash day!

    1. Thanks Candra! I'm a big fan of Suave Professionals conditioners. Every time they come out with a new one I want to try it!


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