8 1/2 Weeks Post Relaxer Touch Up: Pre-pooing With Coconut Oil

I've wanted to incorporate more coconut oil into my relaxed hair regimen so earlier this week I started my pre-poo early by putting coconut oil on my scalp and hair before bed. That ended up being a mistake. The sides and back of my scalp were itching like crazy! I think it was the coconut oil. 

The odd thing was I've used it on my scalp before and didn't have this reaction. Also, the front and top of my scalp were fine. Go figure. I ended up going through the day with my scalp itching (talk about torture) and then did my weekly wash.

freshly washed relaxed hair at 8 weeks post touch-up.

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Since I started my pre-poo the day before with coconut oil I was about a step ahead and did some dry detangling with my fingers, adding coconut oil as needed.

For cleansing this week I applied Herbal Essences Naked Cleansing Conditioner to my hair and braided it into four braids. I rinsed out the cleansing conditioner and then applied a keratin conditioner and left it for about 30 minutes under a shower cap.

Next was deep conditioning. For that, I used Eden BodyWorks Jojoba Monoi Deep Conditioner with a shower cap and no heat for about an hour.

I t-shirt dried for an hour and left my hair air dry in four braids. Before going to bed I applied my leave-in of Eden BodyWorks Coconut Shea Leave In Conditioner and sealed it with extra virgin coconut oil. I removed the braids and slept with my hair cross-wrapped so my new growth would be stretched.

Pre-pooing relaxed hair with coconut oil | A Relaxed Gal 
The results: No noticeable breakage, but I did have more shedding which I am wondering about. I may need to start incorporating tea rinses into my regimen. Despite the shedding, my hair feels very soft and healthy. All in all, this was another good wash day.

Have you been experiencing any changes in your shedding?


  1. Your low bun is super sassy. How did you wrap your hair for your overnight coconut oil treatment? Sometimes when I use a plastic cap and a scarf the condensation inside of the cap irritates my scalp.

    Thanks for sharing your #washdayexperience chica!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

    1. Thanks KLP. When I do my overnight coconut oil treatment I apply the oil about an hour or two before I go to bed. My hair absorbs the oil during that time and I don't end up with much if any dripping. So I'm usually able to get away with just wearing a sleeping cap. If it's not all absorbed by bedtime, I put on a plastic cap and wrap a scarf around the sides of head leaving the top part with only the plastic cap. I haven't experienced any condensation issues, this may be why.

  2. Tea rinses rock for combating shedding. I tea rinse faithfully so my shedding is on point right now.

    1. Tea rinses do rock! What tea do you use for your rinses?

  3. I agree. I love black tea rinses. I now do them every month or so. For some reason the back right side of my head sheds more than the rest of my hair. So I do them more often to keep that little section in check.

    1. Do you tend to use more of the rinse on the back right side since it sheds more?

      Thanks for sharing Candra!


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