Wash Day: 6 1/2 Weeks Post 4/19 Relaxer Touch-up

I am now a little over six weeks post my last relaxer touch-up. I didn't have a lot of time this week to spend on a long wash day, so I tried to keep it kind of simple. I also decided to try my hand at air-drying my relaxed hair. Keep reading to see how my hair turned out.

Wash Day: 6 1/2 Weeks Post 4/19 Relaxer Touch-up | A Relaxed Gal
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To get started I detangled the day before with organic virgin coconut oil and water mix (2:1 ratio), my fingers, and a seamless comb. I then put my hair in a high bun which I wore to bed the next day.

Then that evening I braided my relaxed hair into four braids and then pre-pooed/deep conditioned with Eden BodyWorks Jojoba Monoi Deep Conditioner with a shower cap and no heat for about 90 minutes. It sunk into my strands beautifully!

I rinsed my hair in warm water. My hair felt really soft leading me to a short happy dance in the shower.

I then cleansed my scalp with Eden BodyWorks Jojoba Monoi Moisture Shampoo using an applicator bottle.

I express conditioned with Thermafuse HeatSmart Serum Condition. My hair felt even softer and moisturized than when I rinsed out the deep conditioner! So far this wash day was a win.

After rinsing I t-shirt dried for 30 minutes and then detangled with Pantene Pro-V Moisture Mist detangler and my fingers. Applied my leave-in of Eden BodyWorks All Natural Coconut Shea Leave-In Conditioner and sealed with ThermaFuse HeatSmart Serum Dry Oil Treatment.

I air-dried for a few hours stretching my roots until it was time for bed when I put my hair into a loose high bun for bedtime. My hair didn't fully dry overnight so I went about the next day with damp hair. The pics you're seeing are from the evening after my wash.

See the results from air drying my relaxed hair at 6.5 weeks relaxer touch up, | arelaxedgal.com

The results: I noticed a little bit of breakage, nothing to scare me, but enough to get my attention. I'll be looking into how to combat that before it becomes something more. I think the deep conditioning before my wash is what I'll be doing from now on. My hair seems to respond more positively than when I deep condition it after washing. Air drying didn't result in uncontrollable hair like it has in the past and my hair felt soft and moisturized. The whole wash day was a win!

Share how your wash day went in the comments section


  1. Congrats on a simple and successful wash day. I love Dcing on dry hair also

    1. Thanks Savvy Sammy! What deep conditioner do you use?

  2. Can you do a review on the Eden BodyWorks Jojoba Monoi Deep Conditioner? I've heard soooo many good things about it. I'd love to know your take.

    Congrats on a #winning #washdayexperience chica!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

    1. Sure. I'll do a review this month. So far I've liked it, especially when I started using it prior to washing.

  3. Yayy for winning wash days! Your hair looks shiny and I need to look into some of those products you mentioned.

    1. Thanks for reading Danielle! Definitely check out Eden BodyWorks. They have several good products.

  4. I also love DC before wash. If it's working better for you then it's a win. Your hair looks shiny, win


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