My Relaxed Hair Regimen Update

Since I started my healthy hair journey a little over a month ago I've been trying several new products in an effort to find what my hair likes best. I've tried shampoos, conditioners, serums, and styles. Many are from brands I've never used before or even heard of before.

After trying all these hair products I've found some that my hair liked and others my hair didn't. This has resulted in changes to my relaxed hair regimen. So I wanted to provide you with an update on the products I'm using and the overall changes I've made to my hair regimen. Anything I've added is bolded and anything removed is crossed out. I will continue to share my updated relaxed hair regimen on My Relaxed Hair Regimen page.

My Relaxed Hair Regimen Update | A Relaxed Gal

(This post includes some affiliate links. If you click an affiliate link and make a purchase I may receive a small commission.)

Wash day regimen

  • Part hair and braid into 4-6 braids
  • Pre-poo with an oil or conditioner for 20-60 minutes
  • Shampoo or co-wash
  • Deep condition under my hooded dryer
  • Apply express conditioner (only if I pre-pooed with protein)
  • T-shirt dry for 30 minutes (I've been doing this the whole time, but forgot to include)
  • Apply my detangler and comb with my wide-tooth seamless comb
  • Apply leave-in conditioner then serum
  • Air dry or dry under a hooded dryer

The products I'm currently using are




Deep Conditioner


Leave-in Conditioner

Oils & Serums

  • Thermafuse HeatSmart Serum Dry Oil Treatment
  • Virgin coconut oil between washes for sealing