Relaxer Touch-up Prep And Results At 8 Weeks Post

Today I got my second relaxer touch-up of 2014. It's been eight weeks since my last relaxer touchup. I typically stretch my relaxers at a minimum of 10 weeks but needed to do this one sooner due to my summer plans.

Relaxer Touch Up Prep And Results At 8 Weeks Post | A Relaxed Gal
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To prep for my relaxer touch-up I did the following:

To get my touch-up I went to the salon, this is the second time I've been there. There were a few things they did this time I wasn't too happy about - using a small tooth comb, blowing out my hair (the stylist didn't have her rollers with her), and flat ironing.

Relaxer touch up results: Second of 2014 | 

This was the first time in a while a stylist hasn't told me my hair felt dry so I must have done a good job moisturizing my hair over the last eight weeks. Despite the few things they did that I didn't like I do plan to go back again, only because I like the stylists, they listen to my concerns, and the first time I went I didn't have any issues with any of the tools used.

In addition to the touch-up I got a trim, but won't be able to do a length check until my next wash because my hair wasn't flat ironed straight.

My next relaxer touch-up will be in 12 weeks.

How was your most recent relaxer touch-up?